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Brochures & Flyers
R&M Group BrochureCertificates Quality Management
ISO 9001:2015 R&M Ship Technologies GmbH (engl)质量保证证书
产品说明书和符合性声明 (DoC)
Here you can find our certificates, sorted by product group. Click on the arrow in order to open up the menu and the listed products. Now you can download the PDFs. As we only provide the first page of the product certificates, please do not hesitate and contact us if you need the full version or in case of any questions.
If required, the declaration of conformity for your corresponding order (production facility Germany [&] production facility China) will be filled out and sent. Please send your enquiries to: doc@rm-group.com
Window boxes
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet DoorsProduct Certificates (MED)
A-15 single, class A-15*这个产品目前正在进行证书更新:
- B-15M double, class B-15
Wet units/pods
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet Wet units/pods
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet HatchesProduct Certificates (MED)
Inspection hatch with frame for walls, class B-15
Materials & Accessories
Product Certificates (MED) (Kopie)
Paint Systems - Powder Coating Surface