Benjamin's story
How did your professional career start?
I attended secondary school and graduated. Afterwards, I was stationed with the German Armed Forces for two years and decided to do an apprenticeship after the military service.
How did you become aware of the R [&]M Group?
In principle, I considered different locations for my apprenticeship. The goal, however, was to become native at the coast of the Baltic Sea. And so, I became part of the R[&]M Group, which had advertised a vacancy as carpenter (apprenticeship). I did apply and fortunately got the job.
Why did you want to become a carpenter?
Already in school I did not like to study, and I have always been into working with wood. As a child, I liked to help my father, who has a penchant for manual work. My uncle is a carpenter, so the craftsmanship is somehow rooted in the family. That is why, I knew exactly what to expect and chose to do the same.
Many graduates prefer to study. For whom is the profession carpenter particularly suitable and why is it a dream job?
In any case, you must be skilled and have a sense for spatial thinking. Besides, you should be neat. My instructor has always said, that carpenters work to 0.5 mm. The job is for human beings, who like to see things happen and want to work with their hands. Once the apprenticeship is completed, the professional career often goes on at the master school and further education in the commercial field. That means the perspectives are very good and craftsmen are always needed.
Describe your tasks and stations of your training?
I take care of almost every task, which arise in the carpentry today. In training, you also get to know all the stations, from the production of cabinets and cabins or wall cladding to the final assembly at the customer on the ship. In addition, you practice your manual skills and assist the journeymen. The school takes place as a block seminar in Wismar.
What do you like best about your job?
It is the handwork with wood and especially the achievement that I can see and touch afterwards. Especially the feedback from the customer, who is happy with his new furniture, satisfies me. And of course, it is the variety. Because we are involved in the shipbuilding industry, you work on many different projects with various requirements.
What does the job mean for you?
My job is a lot of fun and a big part of my life. I always say, that you cannot become a carpenter, it is a vocation that is in your blood. It is just a very nice feeling, when you know that the entire interior design is built and customized by me.
Tell me about your most exciting project.
We had to do maintenance works on an AIDA ship. The operations had to be done during the trip, so during the North Sea Tour from Hamburg via England, France and Rotterdam. It meant working for a week and at the same time it was kind of a vacation since we saw all the destinations. An exciting experience, although I probably will not become a regular cruise tourist.
What is particularly noteworthy about the R[&]M Group as an employer?
The working atmosphere, that is excellent, very familiar and in our area, we maintain a "you" culture, that makes working together enjoyable. I like the complexity and the scope of our different projects and that we work together as a team. Colleagues are very open minded and help each other, and everyone is integrated into the team, trainees as well.
Did you have a favorite piece so far? What kind of feeling was it, when you held the first finished piece in your hands?
Yes, of course. It was my journeyman's project, an oak sideboard. I am very proud of that, because I put a lot of passion into this work. I was so relieved and proud when it was finished.
What fascinates you about shipbuilding?
I just stumbled into this industry, but it´s so extraordinary, that I currently cannot imagine a change in another branch. Especially the different jobs on the mega yachts, at the shipyard or in the workshop make my workday so interesting.