3D.CabLab – design development and optimization

R&M endeavours to make the decision-making process easier for its customers and to provide them with the best possible support at every stage of the project. One key aspect that R&M has identified is the planning and design of the interior. Therefore the R&M Group has developed the DesignSuite 3D.CabLab.

It is a web-based tool, compatible with both PC and iPad. It enables customers to work with engineers and architects from R&M to plan without major expense the interior outfitting of vessels and maritime facilities at the earliest possible point in time. Be it a cabin, lounge or an entire deck, all the aspects and features of the interior outfitting are factored into the planning, from light and colour to texture and weight, in order to achieve as individual a style as possible and to facilitate cost analysis.

Using 3D.CabLab, a high-quality design concept can be developed in no time at all. All design variations can be worked up before embarking on the expensive process of building a prototype. This eliminates some of the investment cost and prolonged phases of alteration. Once the outfitting has been completed, a parts list for all the products used – including all the product information and possible product combinations – can be generated with the press of a button.

Since it was piloted at NorShipping in Oslo 2013 and based on the positive feedback from customers, the programme has been continually optimized and further functions added. This is an ongoing process that will continue in the future, which will ensure that the tool is always up to date.