R&M Group strengthens product business

The R[&]M Group has merged the European activities of their two product lines Alvedoor and Marine Products into newly formed product division namely Alvedoor Marine. Alvedoor had been acquired by R[&]M in mid-2012. The new unit bundles all product-related portfolio from development and certification over project management, production and logistics to sales in one responsible organization fully dedicated to delivering the highest quality.

Alvedoor Marine offers the widest range of products to European customers from doors, panels for walls and ceilings over wet units up to complete turnkey cabins. Customized furniture are part of the portfolio as well.

The new business unit makes use of three sites to offer tailor-made solutions to each customer: High-volume orders with longer delivery times are produced in the R[&]M factory in Kunshan, China. Small-volume orders and orders with short delivery times are produced in the factory in Rostock, Germany. Furniture are produced in the site in Wismar, Germany.

In close cooperation with the regional R[&]M organizations in Norway, Germany and Finland and together with the European agents, the new business unit Alvedoor Marine offers a unique choice to all customers in Europe.