Strategic alliance within the oil & gas sector

In June 2012 R&M Group entered into a strategic partnership with Linjebygg Offshore AS (LBO) by founding a joint venture named ISO Prefab AS. LBO is a well-established specialist for off- and onshore engineering and industrial services and tailor made solutions. The equally owned, Molde-based joint venture designs and produces components for insulation and interior at off- / and onshore processing plants.
Iso Prefab is having a successful start: the joint venture will deliver the entire insulation components and ensure an unobstructed order processing for an extensive order recently won by LBO. R&M’s partner has been assigned to deliver insulation components, staging and surface treatment for the Shell Draugen platform in the Norwegian Sea. The term of contract starts in 2013 and will presumably last until 2020.

The contract is an excellent beginning of the joint venture and shows that both R&M and LBO strongly benefit from their cooperation. Iso Prefab AS is an important step for the R&M Group to expand into the Norwegian oil and gas market.