With a strong financial structure to the leading player in the industry

R[&]M has recently achieved a very important milestone for the entire Group. The present major shareowner, the private equity NORD Holding GmbH, has sold its shares of the R[&]M International GmbH (parent company of R[&]M Group). Currently the shares are taken over by the Management (Ramesh Krishnan, Sören Krebs, Falko Schmidt, Thomas Grunwald, Jan Zetterberg, Vollrath Schuster, Andrus Junolainen and Joachim Sandmann), Thomas Töpfer (Chairman of the R[&]M Advisory Board), as well as the Deutsche Beteiligungs AG (DBAG). The R[&]M Management holds 67% shares and DBAG 33%.

In early 2007 NORD Holding has acquired R[&]M from the Bilfinger Group. Since then they have supported R[&]M in extremely changing times, in which positive developments were happened, for example by focusing on the right way of the growth market cruise business.

After an intensive period of negotiations, the contracts were signed. “With a strong and experienced partner like DBAG, we have a solid finance structure and investments fostering our growth strategy”, comments Ramesh Krishnan (CEO). DBAG (Deutsche Beteiligungs AG) is a listed private equity company, raises closed-end private equity funds and invests alongside the DBAG-Funds in well-positioned mid-sized companies with potential for development.

“R[&]M serves the structurally growing cruise ship market – which is an attractive aspect. A solid market position and growth opportunities through geographical expansion, a broader product range and extension of the service business constitute a good platform for a successful investment,” said Torsten Grede, Spokesman of the DBAG Board of Management, commenting on the signing. Moreover: “The industrial services business is one of the core sectors in which we have extensive investment experience.”